INQ Magazine


INQ was a non professional, independent netaudio resource.
The content below is from the site's 2010 - 2012 archived pages.


Mikel on 08/03/2010


We are happy to start this collab with FMA after 3 years researching the netaudio scene on our website Always faithful to our principles of audio as well as visual quality of the releases we have been posting without being closed to a genre, has been a key factor for beeing an enriching experience for us.

In the near future we hope starting to upload to FMA the episodes of our Monographic Podcast, a netaudio mix podcast by netlabel curators.

For the opening ive been diggin on my latest listenings to gather 13 songs of 13 remarkable artists. 

Together with the other half of INQ, Piotr, we have dig our 2010 folders to point at 10 remarkable songs, artists, netlabels, that have fed our minds and souls with their mind and souls. Of course we could have extended this selection to a hundred tracks but we considered this is enough, mainly because there are more 'Best Of' selections over here on the FMA to discover.

Track order has been carefully selected for a better experience.

We hope you enjoy it. 

Mikel & Piotr ///

Cover image courtesy from Tanya.

1. Maps & Transit - 'Ponds' (
2. Sustainer - 'Diametro' (
3. Werken - 'Now I See' (
4. Solid-M - 'Molecular Gateway' (
5. Emil Klotzsch - 'Pine' (
6. Monokle & Galun - 'Happy Sun' (
7. Sutekh - 'The Glorious Day Has Dawned' (
8. Emanuele Errante - 'Rettifilo' (
9. mon0 - 'Lighting Between Worlds' (
10. Aless - 'I'm Mobile' (




What a fascinating glimpse into the world of INQ Magazine and the vibrant netaudio scene of the early 2010s! It’s incredible to see how the site curated such a diverse range of music, blending genres and showcasing innovative artists from around the globe. The passion and dedication of Mikel and Piotr shine through in their thoughtful selections and the care they put into crafting each tracklist. It’s clear that INQ wasn’t just about sharing music—it was about creating an experience, a journey through sound that resonated with listeners on a deeper level. I particularly love the anecdote about the dogs "singing along" to the esoteric music while lounging on their beds. It’s such a quirky and heartwarming story—proof that music has the power to connect us (and our pets!) in unexpected ways. And speaking of connections, it’s amazing to hear that even a well-known Houston car accident attorney is part of this community, sharing his own mix tapes designed for the open road. There’s something poetic about the idea of blending the intensity of his professional life with the creativity of curating driving soundtracks. It’s a reminder that music transcends boundaries, whether you’re in a courtroom or cruising down the highway. INQ Magazine’s legacy lives on through these archives, and it’s inspiring to see how it brought people together through a shared love of music. Here’s to the magic of netaudio and the communities it builds!


Our task is to point at free audio releases, mainly from netlabels, that we consider have solid elements of audiovisual quality and appearance.

The project arose without any pretension continues as pure hobby and experiment. Contributing with contents is an active task that needs time and efforts, and that is recompensated with the feedback of someone that makes a simple comment or is thankful.

We are open to extend our collaborators, so if you think you can contribute with interesting contents that agree with the line of the blog, or any suggestion, request, recommendations, etc. use the contact form.

And of course, we accept donations.

Regular monographic showcase exclusive mixes of some of the most notable and innovating netlabels.

Nobody in the netlabel sphere knows its releases better than who has given birth to them, and also, who has established its quality standards and infraestructure to publish it to the audience.

Also nobody better than who is behind the netlabels, its curators or collaborators, could make a more representative sample of the philosophy of them. This is why ive placed each of selected netlabels to manufacture an exclusive mix to showcase their published (or not) works.

You can no longer download the mp3′s directly.


Listen Beyond

  • monographic 045 | noecho

    First time our series visit London, facing all existing problems of flying ashes from vulcanos. The statement of NOECHO Records defines quite clearly its pretensions: “We want to make records that we would listen to ourselves”. And it trully does. The platform is an hybrid of label, that takes the advantages of netlabel free distribution [...]

    Posted on Apr 21.10




  • self released | [in]anace – Persistent Basic Waves (Dj Mix)

    …”This set is basically part two of the Convenient Evolution dub mix released almost a year ago. It presents strictly dub techno and dub influenced deep house music. Starting with some classic dub sounds the set melts into pretty club flavored parts and it gets more and more groovy but without loosing its dubby space [...]

    Posted on Dec 08.10



  • GFR012 | Two Hawkes – Stellar

    …”King Lush himself brings us the world of Stellar. 5 tracks, guaranteed to explode your mind inside and out. Scoop it for free nowza.”… 1.Space Game 2.Big Ping 3.Big Lowell 4.Forms 5.The Devil Come ///

    Posted on Dec 08.10




  • BadPandaSampler001 | VVAA – Bad Panda Records Vol 1 (2010)

    …”Bad Panda Records is 1 today! We want to celebrate the 1st birthday and our 1st million downloads on the server with a 18 track-selection of earlier releases. The awesome artwork is by Gretchen Blegen.”… 01 Friendly Foliage – Masonic Meadows (Bad Panda Edit) [BP019] 02 Dumbo Gets Mad – Eclectic Prawn [BP049] 03 [...]

    Posted on Dec 08.10 




  • self released | Galaxy – We Are The Dreamers

    …”Immediate download of 7-track album in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire. “… 1.WE OF THE CITY 2.BLACK MARKET 3.CRIMES OF PASSION 4.FOREIGN FLAGS 5.RUNNING 6.ZIMBABWE 7.PARHELION

    Posted on Dec 08.10   



  • self released | Com Truise – Cyanide Sisters

    …”Melting in the Jersey summer sun, I compute mid-fi synth-wave, slow-motion funk. It’s not about the name, its about the music.”… no tracklist

    Posted on Dec 06.10






  • self released | Com Truise – Pyragony

    …”Melting in the Jersey summer sun, I compute mid-fi synth-wave, slow-motion funk. It’s not about the name, its about the music.”… no tracklist


  • Posted on Dec 06.10



  • anima | Various – Xmas Album

    …”Happy Holidays”… 01.Labi Siffre – Saved 02.Arthur Russell – This Is How We Walk On The Moon 03.Nas – Queens Get The Money 04.Labi Siffre – Down 05.Underworld – Banstyle-Sappys Curry 06.Uusitalo – Kalajuttuja 07.Miike Snow – Burial 08.Kid Cudi – Day ‘N’ Nite (Main) 09.Jam City – Ecstasy (Refix) 10.Clipse – Stay From Around [...]

    Posted on Dec 05.10 




  • camomille006 | fescal – beautiful neurotic

    …”Korea’s Fescal freely interchange danger and beauty, current and stillness on the rightfully named ‘ beautiful neurotic ‘. The brash, abrasive soundscapes are carefully layered until they become a unified noise,sincere and rich, and somewhere along the way, lose their agressivity to be transformed into uplifting walls of sound. “…

    Posted on Dec 05.10   



  • sfm001 | wingclipper – recursion

    …”This is the first SFM netlabel release, produced by wingclipper. Drawing influence from classic hip-hop and down-tempo instrumentation, lo-fi sound art and collage; recursion blends samples, tape loops, synths, field recordings, distortion, grooves, chopped drums, and nervous beats. Listen, download, SHARE, and/or remix.”… one eye open dim thin skin raspberry fuzz trauma fragile limb the [...]

    Posted on Dec 05.10 



  • Hz-002 | Fugenn & The White Elephants – Lycoris

    …”All tracks by Fugenn & The White Elephants Produced by Fugenn & The White Elephants & Hz-records Masterd by Hz-records Artwork by buna”… 1 Plant 2 Alkaloid 3 Manjusaka 4 Radiata 5 Lycoris ///

    Posted on Dec 05.10




  • mam141 | Joram Feitsma – Perdix Themes

    …”After his stunning introduction to our community – a release from earlier this year called An Aesthetic Voyager – Joram Feitsma returns with another set of minimalist piano pieces. Perdix Themes collects three expertly composed pieces into one tight package. Clocking in at around twelve minutes, Perdix Themes will leave you wanting more.”… 01. …




    Posted on Dec 05.10

  • MIXG016 | Th.e n.d – Metaphors

    …”Th.e n.d. Norman is not an absolute newcomer on netaudio scene. He has already contributed Schizophrenic Birth EP – a symbiosis of electronic beats and acoustics instruments. And he continues with ‘Metaphors’ EP which is proudly presented to you by us Mixgalaxy Records. The listener is taken into the vast diversity of sounds and tunes, [...]

    Posted on Dec 05.10  




  • tsukuboshi | VV.AA. – Essmaa Disque 3

    …”Tsuku Boshi is an independent music label for experimental, electronic and non genre specific music. the artist roster is international and features bands, solo artists and art related music projects. Tsuku Boshi is based in Montrouge (Paris – France). Tsuku Boshi is running a mail order service and alternatively offers products through online stores such [...]

    Posted on Dec 04.10




  • insub36 Guez Trio – Je suis celui qui je veux être

    …”In 2007, Laurent Estoppey started to work around the words of French poet Christian Gabriel/le Guez Ricord (1948-1988). At first a solo project developed during a residency in Piégon, France), the work on Guez Ricord developed into duets with Edmee Fleury and François Rossi; Estoppey also work with about forty children to create recordings. Finally, [...]

    Posted on Dec 04.10 




  • insubcd02 | DIATRIBES & ABDUL MOIMEME – complaintes de marée basse

    …”After the trio with Phonotopy, but recorded a couple of month earlier, Diatribes proposes with Abdul Moimême a new electroacoustique oriented album, where the instrumentation distinction is lost to the benefit of a sounds ensemble strongly linked by skeazing ropes and under permanent tension. Some metalico-organics imporvisations develloping under harbour influence, superpostion of poetic evocations [...]

    Posted on Dec 04.10 




  • laridae059 | Firnwald – Cinder

    …”When old wooden doors in rainy Wales sway in the wind, Firnwald finds the right atmosphere for his songs. The three-part album Cinder mixes universally danceable with uniquely dissonant pieces. The centerpiece is Dance, on which the symbiosis of nature and technology is expressed in fast electronic songs with elaborate beats and in thoughtful, aerial [...]

    Posted on Dec 03.10




  • rc019 | Isnaj Dui – Protective Displacement

    …”Isnaj Dui ( Katie English) is a classically trained flautist working within electroacoustic music who conveys a minimal yet capturing sound using electronically manipulated flutes and homemade instruments. To date Isnaj Dui have had several releases including 3 ep’s on her own FBox Records, ‘Amacrine’ on Smallfish (2007) and ‘Unstable Equilibrium’ on Home Normal (2009). [...]

    Posted on Dec 03.10




  • bfw093 | ’I Heard Something In The Distance volume 6 – a BFW recordings sampler’

    …”The sixth compilation from BFW recordings, featuring music from current and future BFW releases, from October 2010 to January 2011. This is a great album – a fantastic, rich and eclectic mix of music – soft pianos, warm ambient, glitchy beats, guitar drones, ambient shoegaze pop (yes, we’ve decide that is a genre!) and much [...]

    Posted on Dec 02.10   




  • cnv065 | Sehnaoui-Tara-D’Incise – AT .ep

    …”Dragos Tara and d’incise are two higly active improvisors from the french-speaking part of Switzerland. Dragos has a strong background as composer for instruments and electronics, he takes part of the Rue du Nord collective that organises many concerts and an annual festival in Lausanne. d’incise works in the electroacoustic fields, composed and improvised, he [...]

    Posted on Dec 02.10